Adult Nursing II is the second in the two course sequence of adult nursing. This course explores the roles of the nurse in relation to providing patient-centered care to patients with complex medical/surgical health problems. Course content emphasizes health promotion, disease/injury prevention, disease management, and health maintenance. Continuing themes of pharmacotherapeutics, gerontological considerations, safety, evidence-based practice, therapeutic communication, multiculturalism, as well as patient education and advocacy are explored. This course incorporates critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgment along with evidence-based practice and the utilization of informatics while promoting synthesis of knowledge and interprofessional collaboration. Course content will focus on common health problems related to pulmonary, cardiovascular, renal, gastrointestinal, hematological, oncological, infectious disease, hepatobiliary, and neurological. A structured experience in the simulation lab is included to practice advanced nursing interventions required to care for high-risk emergencies in a safe, controlled environment. Clinical experiences will be conducted in high acuity acute care settings.
NU 340 Introduction to Adult Nursing