NU 315 The Human Journey of Nursing

2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog

This course is for RNs. The Human Journey in Nursing utilizes the four questions posed in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition Seminars to address nursing's role in building a just society. Concepts such as human vulnerability, resiliency, spirituality, and cultural diversity will provide the platform from which discussions about the professions and the professional nurse's role in shaping past, current, and future healthcare will be based. Reflection on service-learning experiences will personalize and professionalize the meaning and responsibility for addressing health inequities within the workplace and the perpetuation of health disparities in society. 

A prerequisite to NU 376 and NU 387




Acceptance to the RN-to-BSN or RN-to-MSN Nursing Major and CIT 201/202 Catholic Intellectual Tradition Seminars