Clinical Practice Requirements
All junior and senior dual degree candidates will be required to participate in a clinical experience for 4-6 hours/week for a total of not fewer than 60 hours/semester. While immersed in a clinical setting, candidates will be given a list of required activities in which they must engage in order to receive a passing grade for the corresponding seminar class. Candidates will also be offered a suggested list of additional ways to contribute to the learning community in which they are placed. Hours and assignment completion will be documented and verified by clinic teachers, and those data must be uploaded into Taskstream.
Clinical practice placements will be made by the Teacher Education Department in conjunction with the school districts and community organizations with whom FCEHD partners. Ideally, candidates will be placed within their respective certification and grade level areas. Supervision will be offered by the school-based teacher educators at the various partnerships. Evaluation rubrics will be filled out at the mid-term and final by both the clinic teacher and the teacher candidate. The rubrics will be used to monitor growth and progress in the candidate's ability to operationalize the theory they are learning in their education classes, and will also assist the candidate in identifying goals to support growth.