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2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
> SO - Sociology
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AB - Arabic
AC - Accounting
AN - Anthropology
AR - Art & Design
BI - Biology
BRS - Brewing Science
BU - Management
BUAN - Business Analytics
CAS - Arts & Sciences
CH - Chemistry
CHP - Health Professions
CIT - Catholic Studies
CJ - Criminal Justice
CM - Communication and Media Arts
CMD - Communication Disorders
CN - Chinese
CPE - Computer Engineering
CS - Computer Science and Information Technology
CSE - Computer Science and Engineering
CSP - Catholic Studies
CY - Cybersecurity
DA - Dance
DIS - Distillation Science
EC - Business Economics
ED - Education
EDM - Education Music
EDS - Special Education
EE - Electrical Engineering
ENG - English
ENGR - Engineering
ES - Esports
EX - Exercise Science
FMM - Fashion Marketing and Merchandising
FN - Finance
FR - French
FYS - First Year Seminar
GDD - Game Design and Development
GL - Gaelic
GS - Global Studies
HESA - Higher Education and Student Affairs
HH - Health Humanities
HI - History
HN - Honors
HRTM - Hospitality Resort and Tourism
HS - Health Science
IS - Information Systems
IT - Italian
ITI - Information Technology
JP - Japanese
LT - Latin
MA - Mathematics
MGT - Management
MK - Marketing
MU - Music
NU - Nursing
NUR - Nursing Associate Degree
PH - Philosophy
PO - Political Science
PS - Psychology
PY - Physics
RAD - Radiography
RE - Real Estate
SLP - Pre-Speech Language Pathology
SM - Sport Management
SO - Sociology
SP - Spanish
SW - Social Work
THR - Theatre Arts
TRS - Theology and Religious Studies
WS - Women's Studies
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2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
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SO - Sociology
SO 110
Sociological Imagination
SO 123
Human Rights & Social Justice
SO 201
Poverty & Inequality in the United States
SO 202
Sociology of the Body
SO 203
Sociology of Sport
SO 215
Social Psychology: Macro Processes
SO 216
Changing Families
SO 220
Ethnography of Ireland
SO 233
Aging in America
SO 234
Sociology of Health & Healthcare
SO 237
Deviance & Social Control
SO 238
Youth & Contemporary Society
SO 239
Diversity & Oppression in Contemporary Society
SO 240
Studying Changing Human Populations
SO 242
Statistics for Social Research
SO 244
Racial & Ethnic Relations
SO 254
Society & Economic Change
SO 257
Science, Technology, & Society
SO 258
Society & the Environment
SO 259
Social Movements
SO 263
Sociology of Gender
SO 296
Sociology of Education
SO 299
Special Topics in Sociology
SO 372
Sociological Theory
SO 382
Methods of Social Research
SO 384
Applied Social Theory & Methods
SO 392
Sociology Internship
SO 398
Senior Seminar in Sociology
SO 399
Independent Study in Sociology
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