2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Sanctions for Violations of Academic Integrity

When a faculty member encounters a possible violation of academic integrity, they should address the matter with the student within ten working days, after collecting whatever evidence may be available. The faculty member has the right to ask the student to provide evidence about sources or make other reasonable requests related to the work.

Cases of improper citation are a matter of faculty discretion. If the faculty member concludes that a student has violated the academic integrity policy, they may immediately assign a sanction of a failing grade for the assignment. They may also assign the student a grade of F for the course. This determination must be sent in writing by the faculty member to the student within ten working days after addressing the matter with them.

The faculty member will report the incident with supporting documentation and the sanction imposed to the Office of the Provost, which tracks academic integrity violations. Subsequently, the Office of Provost will review the violation and send an official written letter via email acknowledging the violation and the sanction imposed to the student, the student’s College, and the student’s advisor within ten working days.

The timeline outlined herein applies under normal circumstances and barring institutional exigencies.