2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Independent Study and Individualized Instruction

Independent study is available for the qualified student who wants more advanced or specialized work in a given academic area. A faculty member guides the student in the reading and/or research needed for the study. Only the student who has officially declared a major and who has successfully completed at least 15 credits will be able to enroll. A maximum of 6 credits of independent study or individualized instruction is permitted toward the baccalaureate degree. Independent study requires a packet approved by the advisor, instructor, department chair, and dean.

Individualized instruction under the guidance of a faculty member is available for the student who needs a specific course to fulfill degree requirements but is unable to schedule the course for a valid reason (e.g., involvement in student teaching, field experience, or unavailability of the course). The syllabus for individual instruction conforms to the usual requirements, including required assignments, for that course. Ordinarily, no student will be permitted to take more than one individualized course per semester and more than two individualized courses to fulfill degree requirements.