2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog

Music Education Minor

Frank Martignetti, PhD

Assistant Professor & Director, Music Education Program

Office Phone: (203) 396-8425

Email: martignettif@sacredheart.edu


Music Education Minor

The minor in music education focuses on developing skills in secondary instruments and conducting, as well as significant field experience observing and assisting in PreK-12 music classrooms.

The minor in music education forms an important part of the preparation of music teachers at Sacred Heart University. Students interested in music education complete the BA in Music (with a concentration in Performance or Production, if they wish), the minor in Music Education, and the MAT in Music Education of part of SHU's Five-Year Education Program. Music majors who do not complete the minor may still apply to the MAT as part of SHU's Post-Baccalaureate Education Program.


Required Courses for Music Education Minor

Required Courses

Take the four courses listed below plus two additional credits of group or individual instruction in piano, or another secondary instrument by advisement (EDM 300-304 or MU 131-132).
ED 411Junior Seminar and Clinic II


ED 416Senior Seminar and Clinic: Secondary


ED 498Senior Seminar and Clinic 2: Secondary


EDM 400Conducting


Elective Courses

And take four of these courses
EDM 300Group Instruction: Voice


EDM 301Group Instruction: Percussion


EDM 302Group Instruction: Woodwinds


EDM 303Group Instruction: Brass


EDM 304Group Instruction: Strings


Two additional credits in piano, either in group or individual instruction. Pianists take another secondary instrument, by advisement.