Payment of Tuition and Fees

2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog

General Payment Policy

  • Student Accounts may only assist students. All other parties must be identified by the student as an Authorized User
  • Students must be enrolled in a payment plan, paid in full and/or covered by Student Financial Assistance to attend a semester.
  • If accounts are not paid to date, classes are subject to cancellation on a date determined by the University.
  • Sacred Heart University requires that a student’s account must be current for the student’s SHU ID card to be activated.
  • Students’ accounts that are not paid will be restricted from adding or dropping classes.
  • Failure to meet this policy may require payment in order to register for new courses or payment in certified funds.
  • The release of grades, transcripts, education verification, or diplomas will be restricted for student with an outstanding balance.

Full-time Undergraduate Students not enrolled in a payment plan must pay their account in full by:

  • Fall semester: Payment in full is due July 1
  • Spring semester: Payment in full is due December 1
  • Winter & Spring Intensive semesters: Due upon registration
  • Late Spring & Summer 1 semester: Payment in full is due April 15
  • Summer semester 2: Payment in full is due June 1
  • After due date: Payment is due at the time of registration. When payment is not received by the due date, a late fee will be assessed at the rate of .75% per month on the unpaid balance (annual rate of 9%), such charge to be computed from the due date.

Monthly Payment Plan Options

A monthly payment plan is available during regular terms (Fall and Spring). For additional information and/or to enroll, go to

Late Fee

If a payment is received later than the due date, a finance charge will be assessed at the rate of .75% per month, annual rate of 9%.

Guaranteed Payment Plan

This program enables part-time students to register for a term without tuition payment at the time of registration. Further information regarding the Guaranteed Payment Plan can be obtained online at

VA Pending Payment Policy

In accordance with the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, beneficiaries of Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 GI Bill®) and Chapter 31 (Vocational Rehabilitation) may attend courses while VA payments are pending as long as they submit:

1. A valid Certificate of Eligibility (or equivalent e-Benefits form) or valid VA 28-1905 to the Registrar's Office.

2. A written request for VA certification for the term (VA Enrollment Certification Request Form).

3. Provide any additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as requested by the Registrar's Office.

Beneficiaries who have fulfilled the requirements above will not be denied access to classes, libraries, or institutional facilities, nor will they be prohibited from course registration. Such beneficiaries will not be required to seek alternative or additional funding in place of their pending VA payment. Beneficiaries who have provided proof of eligibility for 100% tuition coverage via Chapter 33 GI Bill®, Yellow Ribbon, or Chapter 31 (in addition to the items listed above) will not be assessed late fees for VA covered education expenses while the university is waiting VA payment.  Beneficiaries eligible for less than 100% tuition coverage may be assessed a late charge for the uncovered portion of their tuition and non-VA covered education expenses if they have not met financial obligations prior to the semester payment deadline.