2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog

CIT 218 The Good Life: Your Path, Your Purpose

 Leading lives that matter, knowing our purpose and becoming who we want to be are central to living the good life. The years in college and emerging adult are a time when we think from our deepest self about what we most will value and desire for our lives. Yet these years can also be confusing and finding how to build the most meaningful life possible for us can be challenging. This course uses the timeless writings and wisdom of great thinkers—philosophers, psychologists, religious thinkers, artists and writers, professional leaders—to help us think through real life cases  that will guide us to finding the good life of meaning, purpose, and faith that we seek.


Students will:

1.       Read, understand and discuss the works of great thinkers in philosophy, literature, psychology, religion, and the arts--classical to contemporary--- who write about living a good life.

2.       Analyze and write about the real life case studies that explore the questions, issues, values, and beliefs about what makes the good life.

3.       Develop their own guides that chart a path for the good life.

4.       Develop writing, speaking, and thinking abilities.
