BI 201 Genetics & Evolution

2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog

Genetics and Evolution is a sophomore level course in the core biology curriculum required for all majors administered through the Department of Biology. The focus of this course is on how the mechanisms of genetics and the forces that drive biological evolution allow us to understand how genotype and phenotype variation distinguishes individuals, populations and species from one another.  Topics examined will include: gene and genome structure, gene expression, mutation, transmission genetics, population genetics and phylogenetics.  Special emphasis is placed on critical thinking, problem-solving interpretation of experimental evidence and understanding science as a process. 

A prerequisite to BI 210, BI 212, BI 306, BI 311, BI 312, BI 320, BI 325, BI 315, BI 335, BI 340, BI 355, and BI 398




C or better in BI 111/BI 113 Concepts in Biology I: Molecules to Cells with Lab and BI 112/BI 114 Concepts in Biology II: Cells to Organisms with Lab; Pre- or Corequisite: BI 203 Genetics & Evolution: Organisms to Populations Laboratory and MA 131 Statistics for Decision-Making or MA 132 Biostatistics or MA 133 Business Statistics