Master of Education in Special Education

2023-2024 Graduate Catalog

Master of Education in Special Education


Sally Drew, PhD

Director of Special Education Programs

Phone: 203 396-8351



Sacred Heart University's flexible and online Master of Education (M.Ed.) Degree in Special Education equips professionals with the skills to advance their careers to the next level. Sacred Heart's 30-credit Master of Education (M.Ed.) Degree in Special Education is intended for early-career, licensed educators who are looking to advance their teaching skill-sets and professional opportunities and better meet the needs of students with the most intensive needs.

Applicants who have already earned their master's degree have the opportunity to complete their special education coursework through SHU's Sixth-Year Degree in Special Education. 

Program completion will equip graduates with the skills to plan, deliver, and assess instruction for students with high incidence exceptionalities in accordance with special education law and best practices.

With a critical teacher shortage in special education, there are significant job opportunities in this area. Sacred Heart's program offers all of the courses a candidate needs to apply to the state for cross endorsement in special education (Endorsement Code 165, Comprehensive Special Education, K-12). Teacher licensure in special education not only empowers program graduates to become effective educators with all students; it also increases the types of teaching opportunities graduates can pursue, whether in general education, special education or both.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, overall employment in special education is projected to grow from 2019 to 2029 and demand for services is expected to rise due to earlier disability identification, resulting in higher enrollment in special education programs. Additionally, federal laws requiring financial support for special education bolsters a strong outlook for job security in this field. 


Degree Requirements

This 30-credit course of study must be completed within six years of the date of completion of the first course. Candidates will be required to pass Praxis II in Special Education (5543) and Foundations of Reading (if not already passed) for program completion.

Required Courses

Fall 1 - 6 credits

  • EDS 571
  • EDS 572

Spring 1 - 6 credits

  • EDS 573
  • EDS 574

Late Spring - 3 credits

  • EDS 599

Summer 1 - 4.5 credits

  • EDS 581
  • EDS 582

Summer 2 - 7.5 credits

  • EDS 583
  • EDS 584
  • EDS 585

Fall 2 - 3 credits

  • EDS 680