2023-2024 Graduate Catalog

Classes Offered in Modules

Students registered in classes offered in modules are course(s) that do not span the entire payment period (semester). An example of a module course(s) is two eight-week classes within a 16-week semester.

A student would not be considered withdrawn and no return to Title IV calculation would be processed:

  • If a student provides written confirmation that they will return for another module in the same semester
  • If a student does not provide written confirmation that they will return for another module in the same semester and does return, the Return to Title IV calculation will be reversed and the student will regain their prior eligibility.
  • If a student drops a future module and is attending a current module course at the time of the drop a Return to Title IV calculation will not be performed. However, if the student’s enrollment status has changed, this may result in financial aid being adjusted.

Below are examples as to when a Return to Title IV calculation would be processed:

  • Students are considered to be withdrawn if they don’t complete all the days they were scheduled to complete within a semester or module for which their aid was intended.
  • If a student intends to return for another module in the same semester and does not return, the student is considered to have withdrawn based on the last day of attendance.