OT 527 Problem-Based Learning in Mental Health

2023-2024 Graduate Catalog

This course will utilize Problem-Based Learning (PBL) to develop self-directed learning, research, and critical analysis and synthesis of the acquired knowledge for evidence-based practice in mental health occupational therapy. Students will practice clinical decision making while applying their knowledge of occupational therapy foundational theories and principles to the evaluation and intervention process with clients with mental health conditions. This course will focus on the affective and cognitive domains of learning within Bloom’s taxonomy. Students will develop the ability to “think” like an occupational therapist, considering the contexts of a client’s natural environments, while also beginning to internalize the values of occupational therapy, such as client-centered care. Additionally, students will learn the team skills required of an occupational therapist on a professional team, such as sharing information appropriately while listening to the views of others respectfully and with thoughtful consideration.
