CS 690 Thesis I

2023-2024 Graduate Catalog

A prerequisite to CS 691 

Required for the thesis option, the student works with a faculty advisor in defining a substantial research or implementation project. For a research project, the student surveys relevant literature, critically analyzes the state of the art, and synthesizes improvements. For an implementation project, the student implements and tests a solution to the chosen problem, comparing it with other work, if any; the project could involve a combination of research and implementation. At the end of this course, the student should have a well-defined problem, have surveyed relevant literature, and have made partial progress toward the completion of the work. The student should be ready to make a brief presentation of the work in progress, as required by the advisor. By the end of this course, a proposal describing the work should be written and approved by a thesis committee chosen by the student and the advisor, according to University policy.




Determined by faculty advisor