BI 112 is the second foundational course in biology. The course focuses on the cellular and organismal levels in the hierarchy of biological organization. Concepts in Biology II covers adaptations of plant and animal life in an evolutionary context and includes discussion of development, body and tissue organization, homeostasis, energy yielding metabolism, nutrition, digestion, circulation, nutrient transport, and gas exchange. Two 50-minute lectures and one 75 minute discussion/week.
A prerequisite to BI 201, BI 202, BI 210, BI 212, BI 230, BI 245, BI 255, BI 274, BI 276, BI 278, BI 305, and BI 345
BI 111/
BI 113 Concepts in Biology I: Molecules to Cells with Lab
BI 114 Concepts in Biology II Laboratory